
Whats new ?

25 February, 2012:
Wave World USA Tour 2012 From April 17th until April 24th 2012, Wave World will tour the East Coast of the USA. If you're in the neighbourhood, don't miss out on this unique opportunity to see Wave World live. If you won't be able to make one of the shows, be sure to tune in on the radio stations that will air the interviews with the band, as well as the first live tracks of the album Membrane.


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December 10th 2013:

Finally after months of meeting deadlines some time to work on the Wave World Universe again. New very cool locations available end of this year, and some living Wave World Species !

Go to Wave World Universe (or click image) to play our developing test levels

Wave World Universe

March 14th 2013:

Wave World now also has a SoundCloud page, we uploaded a nice selection of our music for you!

February 28th 2013:

Part of the Concert Video from Harry's performance at the Ambient Ping, April 2012, Toronto, Canada. "Waters from the waters" from Wave World's album "Tableaux".

January 17th 2013:

The Wave World Creation Myth. This video shows the creation myth which is still told among the Bee'gor people of Wave World. The Silent ones; Pbalris, Safandjaro and Kgevenisandi creators of the universe gather together at the creation pool and by intenton alone, create the planet of Wave World. This video was originally made for our "Winds of Laax" concert series but never completely finished. We decided to share this story about the creation of Wave World as an online Videoclip. We finally completed the background stars and deleted some small errors and re-colored the entire clip.